John McCain: classic white-haired West Coast republican, experienced in foreign policy but sometimes doubted by the conservatives of his party
Arnold Vinick: classic white-haired West Coast republican, experienced in foreign policy but sometimes doubted by the conservatives of his party
Barack Obama: young, energetic, handsome, idealistic black candidate from Chicago who gives a good speech but who lacks foreign policy experience and who many believe can't win the election
Matt Santos: young, energetic, handsome, idealistic Hispanic candidate from Houston who gives a good speech but who lacks foreign policy experience and who many believe can't win the election
Rahm Emanuel: young, energetic, handsome, Jewish political mastermind who used to be a ballerina when he was a child and is fond of practical jokes. Driving force in recruiting candidates for Democratic party and in behind-the-scenes congressional politics. Highly partisan; Chief of Staff for President-elect Obama
Josh Lyman: young, energetic, handsome, Jewish political mastermind whose character is based upon Rahm Emanuel. Driving force in recruiting candidates for Democratic party and in behind-the-scences congressional politics. Highly partisan; Chief of Staff for President-elect Santos
Hillary Clinton: original frontrunner and star of Democratic party. Seen as safer bet; more centrist and a "political insider." Current Senator; First Lady for former Democratic administration. Ugly, drawn-out Democratic primary leads to upset in which the dark horse candidate wins
Bob Russell: original frontrunner and star of Democratic party. Seen as safer bet; more centrist and a "political insider." Former Senator; Vice-President for current Democratic administration. Ugly, drawn-out Democratic primary leads to upset in which the dark horse candidate wins
Joe Biden: older, politically-astute Washington insider with foreign policy credentials, picked for Vice-President due to experience and to add confidence to ticket instead of to pick up a swing state
Leo McGarry: older, politically-astute Washington insider with foreign policy credentials, picked for Vice-President due to experience and to add confidence to ticket instead of to pick up a swing state
Sarah Palin: ridiculous, out-of-touch Governor from an irrelevent red state (Alaska) who is picked as Vice-Presidential candidate to appeal to the conservative wing of the party
Ray Sullivan: ridiculous, out-of-touch Governor from an irrelevent red state (West Virginia) who is picked as Vice-Presidential candidate to appeal to the conservative wing of the party
Secretary of State: once elected, Santos puts aside past differences and offers post of Secretary of State to former rival Arnold Vinick, whom most people originally thought would be the next president of the United States. Obama offer post to former primary challenger Hillary Clinton, whom most people originally thought would be the next president of the United States.
the only difference is that Joe Biden's not dead.
no no no! i didn't want to know that leo dies! i have't gotten past season two yet!
well leo has to die because john spencer dies, but don't worry! it doesn't ruin the utter greatness of the show!
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